Adding "defer" keyword to C++

Written by Bálint Kiss • Published on January 13, 2025 • Updated on January 15, 2025

"defer" is a control flow mechanism in both Go and Zig that automate resource cleanup function calls and simplifies writing error handling code. When I found out that I can have the same feature in C++11 using macros and RAII for my 3D renderer project, I couldn't contain myself and wanted to share it.

Disclaimer: I am not the inventor of this magic but merely a user of it as part of my toolbox. Other people already wrote about this, including

If you are only interested in using this in your project, then TL;DR just copy-paste this:

/// RAII wrapper for callable statements invoked by DEFER()
template <typename F>
struct ScopedDefer
    ScopedDefer(F f)
        : f(f)

    ~ScopedDefer() { f(); }

    F f;

/// A common macro for string concatenation during preprocessing phase.
#define STR_CONCAT(a, b) _STR_CONCAT(a, b)
#define _STR_CONCAT(a, b) a##b

/// Implementation of "defer" keyword similar in Go and Zig to automatically
/// call resource cleanup at end of function scope without copy-pasted cleanup
/// statements or separate RAII wrapper data types.
#define DEFER(x) \
    const auto STR_CONCAT(tmpDeferVarName, __LINE__) = ScopedDefer([&]() { x; })

Otherwise I hope the following further breakdown showing a real-life example that I ran into and a bonus look at the generated disassembly gives additional insight for people that are fans of C++ like me.

We’ve all been there before

So you want to diligently clean up your allocated resources to avoid leaking both in the error case and the happy path? Who wouldn’t? I can relate. I ran into this multiple times, yet a particular case is when I wanted to use a native Win32 API window and WGL to create my OpenGL context for my own 3D rendering engine. The process is documented on the Khronos wiki, which sounds confusing at first read, but the thing you have to know is

In order to create a native Windows OpenGL context with WGL, you need to first create an empty temporary Win32 window that doesn’t show anything and a temporary OpenGL context that doesn’t do anything.

This is also called “fake context” or “helper context”. It’s an actual Catch-22 situation where “you need to have an OpenGL context before you can have an OpenGL context”. Even the documentation of the gl46 Rust crate is commenting on it as

“That sounds silly, but it’s true.”

The reason is due to how OpenGL drivers themselves behave on Windows with legacy OpenGL 1.1 function addresses being available in opengl32.dll, while the modern functionality is provided by the NVidia/AMD/Intel driver DLL files. This rabbit hole goes deeper, but it is interesting to me and it warrants a future blog post on this site.

Let’s start cooking then. First some shoddy error handling without any cleanup:

HWDN fakeWindow = CreateWindow(/* ... */);
HDC fakeDeviceContext = GetDC(fakeWindow);

HGLRC fakeRenderingContext = wglCreateContext(fakeDeviceContext);
if (!fakeRenderingContext)
    return false;

// ... Do work

return true;

Now add the cleanup code. Notice that wglDeleteContext is new at the end.

HWDN fakeWindow = CreateWindow(/* ... */);
HDC fakeDeviceContext = GetDC(fakeWindow);

HGLRC fakeRenderingContext = wglCreateContext(fakeDeviceContext);
if (!fakeRenderingContext)
    // Cleanup in error case
    ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);
    return false;

// ... Do work

// Cleanup at end of happy path
wglDeleteContext(fakeRenderingContext); // This was not in the first error path
ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);

return true;

The copy-paste becomes evident. And with the amount of failure points increasing, this copy-pasting can absolutely get out of hand after a while. Imagine forgetting to modify the cleanup code in any of the error paths and introducing a resource leak.

if (!fakeRenderingContext)
    // First cleanup in error case 1
    ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);
    return false;

if (!wglMakeCurrent(fakeDeviceContext, fakeRenderingContext))
    // Copy-paste in error case 2
    wglDeleteContext(fakeRenderingContext);  // First appearance of rendering contect cleanup
    ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);
    return false;

if (!gladLoadWGL(fakeDeviceContext, reinterpret_cast<GLADloadfunc>(wglGetProcAddress)))
    // Copy-paste in error case 3
    ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);
    return false;

// Copy-paste in happy case
ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);

return true;

This is why C++ introduced the concept of Resource Acquisition Is Initializaion, otherwise known as the RAII principle. The naming is a misnomer though (from my view), as this is more related to handling de-initialization instead. I never memorize the textbook definition despite me being the resident C++ language lawyer, but in the most basic layman terms, RAII just boils down to

Write resource cleanup code in the destructor of class and the destructor automatically gets called for you when the object goes of scope and its lifetime stops.

This is how C++11’s std::unique_ptr RAII smart pointer class works for example. The actual call to the deleter is done automatically on destructor call. Some people mistake that RAII is only applicable to dynamic heap memory managed with new/delete/malloc/free, but the emphasis is on the “Resource” part. Anything can be treated as a resource from file handles to network sockets (Okay, if you are on UNIX, sockets are just file handles too. But almost everything is treated as files in UNIX, just look in the /dev folder to see even your hardware being handled like files.). std::lock_guard for mutexes is a thing too.

Note that I am aware of criticisms of RAII online, how “it’s bad program design” and “it just makes programmers lazier to not free their own resources themselves”. RAII is just an available tool in the toolbox. Assess the situation and use your judgement, use it when finding it appropriate, use something else when that’s needed instead. And for the “lazy” part: the RAII applier still have to think in terms of lifetimes and ownership semantics to use it effectively.

GOTO statements: The poor man’s version of RAII in C

Without RAII, you would be out of luck here. You either stick with the manual copy-pasting and hating life in the process. Or an alternative: you can choose to use an idiom found in C codebases using gotos. This method is documented by Eli Bendersky and Max Vilimpoc.

bool ok = true; // Introduction of a success variable
if (!fakeRenderingContext)
    ok = false; // Don't forget to change it, or you are toast
    goto cleanup_my_fake_window;

if (!wglMakeCurrent(fakeDeviceContext, fakeRenderingContext))
    ok = false;
    goto cleanup_my_fake_rendering_context;

if (!gladLoadWGL(fakeDeviceContext, reinterpret_cast<GLADloadfunc>(wglGetProcAddress)))
    ok = false;
    goto cleanup_my_fake_rendering_context;

    ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);

return ok;

My objections:

  • I am an advocate for the Early-Return idiom (also known as Return Early Pattern). When I do a return in an if, the control flow exits, I can more easily follow my program mentally and not care how the function continues.
  • When I worked on a codebase that used a single arbitrary success or result variable that kept being updated throughout the duration of the whole function body, the bugs came pouring in and it was annoying to find out they happened because these variables were forgotten to be set.

Everybody learns early in software programming circles that “goto statements are evil”, it became a meme. But sometimes the odds are stacked against you and knowing the rules and knowing how to break them is the choice (if you are clueless though and break the rules without knowing how they work, you are just going to fumble around). If I would write C, I can actually imagine myself using this idiom. I had a hunch that even the Linux kernel code relies on gotos, but no. What they have in place are called Scope-based Cleanup Helpers to do unwinding in LIFO order (Unwinding? LIFO? Now this is what I call foreshadowing for later sections of this post).

Okay, I was not fully honest and hid this information from you: current GCC and Clang C compilers have __attribute__(cleanup) that tracks a variable and runs a function when it goes out of scope. No MSVC equivalent though, aside from simulating it with __try and __finally C language extensions.

UPDATE (2025-01-15): Check out Implementing smart pointers for the C programming language by Snaipe and Comparing GCC C cleanup attribute with C++ RAII by Jussi Pakkanen as additional good reads in the __attribute(cleanup)__ topic. As I researched this, I was incorrect and there’s no way to use MSVC’s __try and __finally for RAII and defer mechanism. I have a C side project that I am working on where I wanted to try implementing my own defer, but didn’t want to sacrifice portability, so it was not worth the effort for me. When looking for existing solutions, I found Defer GitHub project by moon-chilled which operates on setjmp and longjmp to make defer work with MSVC’s C compiler. It introduces performance overhead as opposed to GCC or Clang, and there’s a limit of 32 deferred statements by default (which is plenty).

Naively using RAII won’t work

Let’s start applying the RAII principle to write wrappers to the Win32 and WGL resource types and see why we immediately regret this decision.

struct WindowHandle
        if (hWnd != nullptr)

    HWND hWnd{nullptr};

struct DeviceContext
        if (hDC != nullptr)
            ReleaseDC(/* Wait, hWnd parameter is required here */, hDC);

    HDC hDC{nullptr};

struct RenderingContext
        if (rc != nullptr)

    HGLRC rc{nullptr};

// ...

RenderingContext fakeRenderingContext.rc = wglCreateContext(fakeDeviceContext);
if (!fakeRenderingContext.rc)
    // Automatic resource release of WindowHandle going out of scope in error case
    return false;

// ..

// Automatic resource release of WindowHandle and RenderingContext going out of scope in error case
return true;

The moment we start having more and more resource types, writing wrappers for them won’t scale at all and becomes unsustainable. This further falls apart due to ReleaseDC requiring both the window handle HWND and the device context handle HDC as parameters at the same time.

Someone might bring up the question that why not just have these resources as a collection of member variables owned by a class and write the cleanup in the owning class destructor. These resources are temporary and I want to throw them away immediately after the full OpenGL context finished initializing. It doesn’t fit my program design to contain them as class state during the lifetime of an owning object.

std::unique_ptr won’t work

I still remember the first time I learned about the existence of std::unique_ptr during my studies as a Computer Science student almost a decade ago and even made my own ScopedPtr type as an exercise. I went so overboard with RAII at the time that when I wrote an SDL graphics application, I just wrapped everything I saw. Nowadays I would carefully plan out and consider when it is appropriate to do something like this, but it was interesting to me at the time.

class SDLRenderer

    // ...

    struct SDLDeleter
        void operator()(SDL_Window* window) { SDL_DestroyWindow(window); }
        void operator()(SDL_Renderer* render) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(render); }
        void operator()(SDL_Surface* surface) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); }
        void operator()(SDL_Texture* texture) { SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); }

    template <typename SDLType>
    using SDLPtr = std::unique_ptr<SDLType, SDLDeleter>;

    using SDLSurfacePtr = SDLPtr<SDL_Surface>;
    using SDLWindowPtr = SDLPtr<SDL_Window>;
    using SDLRendererPtr = SDLPtr<SDL_Renderer>;
    using SDLTexturePtr = SDLPtr<SDL_Texture>;

    SDLWindowPtr window_;
    SDLRendererPtr renderer_;
    SDLTexturePtr screenTexture_;

// Usage:
        "This is my fancy-schmancy window title",

Although different from my current situation, SDLRenderer is the owner of the resources as member variables. Treating them as part of SDLRenderer’s state and for them to exist in within the lifetime of the class makes sense in this context. On the contrary as I mentioned earlier, my fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext and fakeRenderingContext are temporary resources and not part of any class state. It would be still seem valid use cases, because std::unique_ptr even operates and cleans up in the local scope and lifetime of a function body.

What is stopping me from doing something this in my current WGL code?

std::unique_ptr<HWND, HWNDDeleter> fakeWindow = std::make_unique<HWND>(/* ... */);

The wrapped SDL types in the former example are all raw/naked pointer types like SDL_Window*, SDL_Renderer*, SDL_Surface* and SDL_Texture*. HWND, HDC and HGLRC are not pointers, they are handles. Although

  • no additional heap allocation is needed as std::unique_ptrs are not heap resource managers but pointer managers
  • HANDLE types often get typedef’d into PVOID pointer types in Win32 headers (okay, this goes further and is different when STRICT mode is enabled with #define STRICT)

this runs into a compiler error because std::unique_ptr requires a “pointed-to” type like SDL_Window* and not pointer type itself like PVOID. More specifically, it checks for the presence of ::pointer type on the deleter itself.

defer to my rescue

Good thing that I am also a user of the Go programming language, exposing myself to multiple paradigms and idioms. Go is not a strictly object-oriented programming language. Technically the official FAQ answer is a “yes and no” and the langauge just borrows concepts and the good parts of OOP like interfaces (multiple C++ inheritence and Deadly Diamond Problem anyone?). What they have in place of RAII which would require a lifetime of an OOP object, is the defer mechanism. This is a built-in language statement that pushes functions into a LIFO call list and will be called at the time when control flow finishes.

func CopyFile(dstName, srcName string) (written int64, err error) {
    src, err := os.Open(srcName)
    if err != nil {
    defer src.Close()

    dst, err := os.Create(dstName)
    if err != nil {
        // src.Close() called automatically here
    defer dst.Close()

    return io.Copy(dst, src)
    // dst.Close() and src.Close() called automatically at the end

It was so good in fact, that it’s also in Zig, along with an errdefer keyword that executes the deferred call only when an error happened and not on the happy path. Dlang has its own version with the scope(exit), scope(success) and scope(failure) statements (possibly earlier and predating Go, but I cannot confirm it for sure).

What would you say if I told you: you can have your cake and eat it? With the power of preprocessor macros and just using a single hidden RAII wrapper struct, you can have your own defer mechanism. And actually wrap multiple statements inside!

    ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);

The heart of it is a struct that wraps in a callable F type and uses RAII to execute it in destruction.

/// RAII wrapper for callable statements invoked by DEFER()
template <typename F>
struct ScopedDefer
    ScopedDefer(F f)
        : f(f)

    ~ScopedDefer() { f(); }

    F f;

The client caller won’t see the struct itself. Instantiation is done by the DEFER() macro that accepts the statements as parameters and creates a lambda out of them.

/// A common macro for string concatenation during preprocessing phase.
#define STR_CONCAT(a, b) _STR_CONCAT(a, b)
#define _STR_CONCAT(a, b) a##b

/// Implementation of "defer" keyword similar in Go and Zig to automatically
/// call resource cleanup at end of function scope without copy-pasted cleanup
/// statements or separate RAII wrapper data types.
#define DEFER(x) \
    const auto STR_CONCAT(tmpDeferVarName, __LINE__) = ScopedDefer([&]() { x; })

A bogus temporary variable name needs to be concatenated from the source code line number, so the preprocessor can expand code into something like this (I’m paraphrasing here, use C++ Insights for exact output):

// Let's say .cpp line number is 331
const __lambda_12_3 tmpDeferVarName331 = ScopedDefer<__lambda_12_3>([&]() {
        ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);

Witness now as my WGL initialization code finally makes more sense now by turning C++ into Go:

// NEW!
    ReleaseDC(fakeWindow, fakeDeviceContext);

HGLRC fakeRenderingContext = wglCreateContext(fakeDeviceContext);
if (!fakeRenderingContext)
    // ReleaseDC and DestoryWindow are called
    return false;
// NEW!

if (!wglMakeCurrent(fakeDeviceContext, fakeRenderingContext))
    // wglDeleteContext, ReleaseDC and DestoryWindow are called
    return false;

if (!gladLoadWGL(fakeDeviceContext,
    // wglDeleteContext, ReleaseDC and DestoryWindow are called
    return false;

// wglDeleteContext, ReleaseDC and DestoryWindow are called at the end

return true;

— Vincent! We happy?

— Yeah, we happy.

As a bonus: looking at the generated disassembly

I was interested in comparing implementations of ScopedDefer either with template or using std::function. That’s why I used Matt Godbolt’s Compiler Explorer to look at the disassembly compiled using GCC 14.2 with -O3 optimizations enabled. You can check out my full experimentation in this Compiler Explorer link.

I’ve chosen a dummy example. Apologies for the insertion of printf but I needed to introduce some kind of arbitrary side effect because I kept fighting the compiler who always optimized out my function bodies and inserted NOP operations in their places. But I still had no luck and the compiler won.

void noDefer()
    int* x = new int(7);
    printf("%d\n", *x);
    delete x;

void templatedDefer()
    int* x = new int(7);
    DEFER(delete x);
    printf("%d\n", *x);
        .string "%d\n"
        mov     esi, 7
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        xor     eax, eax
        jmp     printf
        mov     esi, 7
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        xor     eax, eax
        jmp     printf

Wow, this is a dud. I mean I’m impressed and applaud GCC, because it just optimized out the whole heap allocation altogether. I always tell people don’t hand-optimize out something that modern compilers can do better, but this is going the extra mile. Let’s try it differently.

void noDefer()

void templatedDefer()

        .string "Second"
        .string "First"
        sub     rsp, 8
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2
        call    puts
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        add     rsp, 8
        jmp     puts
        push    rbx
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2
        call    puts
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        call    puts
        pop     rbx
        mov     rbx, rax
        jmp     .L16
templatedDefer() [clone .cold]:
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        call    puts
        mov     rdi, rbx
        call    _Unwind_Resume

I expected the defer to be inlined, and the manual cleanup and defer disassembly to be identical. What’s going on? We need to talk about exception handling in C++.

My thoughts on exception handling

If someone asks me, I am not a fan. My personal coding conventions don’t include it and I even go as far as to disable exception handling with the -fno-exceptions compiler flag in my own projects. My disassembly got littered with exception stack unwinding instructions as if my program expects that my code will throw, even though I never used a single try-catch anywhere.

        push    rbx     # RBX is saved for use in exception handling

        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2
        call    puts
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        call    puts

        pop     rbx     # RBX is restored here


        # This part is a jump to exception handler
        mov     rbx, rax
        jmp     .L16

# Cold section, separated from main "hot" execution path to help CPU's branch
# predictor
templatedDefer() [clone .cold]:
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        call    puts
        mov     rdi, rbx
        call    _Unwind_Resume

In fact, when I add -fno-exceptions to the flags in Compiler Explorer, I finally get the outcome that I wanted: the manual and defer disassembly are identical, and the defer got inlined:

        .string "Second"
        .string "First"
        sub     rsp, 8
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2
        call    puts
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        add     rsp, 8
        jmp     puts
        sub     rsp, 8
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2
        call    puts
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        add     rsp, 8
        jmp     puts

I used to work on projects in the real-time embedded systems domain and the performance cost introduced by stack unwinding was simply not acceptable there. All hail Zig for allowing try-catch-based error handling that doesn’t do stack unwinding in Release builds. I tried workarounds using noexcept in code itself without the need to provide -fno-exceptions, but I was not successful and gave up. But there’s a high chance that maybe I am just over-obsessing over a couple CPU instructions that are just peanuts compared to the grand scheme of things. I still wanted my identical inlined DEFER though!

Exception handling has the chance to enable bad error handling practices where the programmer uses “catch all” but doesn’t handle the catched error and instead passes and propagates the exception further in the function call chain. I saw that happen with my own eyes, although it was in Java codebase and not C++. There’s an additional know-how required how to write code in the style of Exception-Safe C++.

That said if the conventions of an existing project already relies on exception-based error handling, then I adhere to those. Other than that, I prefer using std::optional instead, similar to how I am happy for Go’s error interface and Optional/Result types in Rust.

So what’s wrong with using std::function?

Finally after a diversion, back to what I wanted to show. You would be tempted to use std::function inside ScopedDefer instead of templates because it just sounds so logical. “It’s a type-safe alternative to C function pointers, why wouldn’t I choose this”? But as Ignacio Castaño mentioned in his article, it is not advisable because of the extra unnecessary instructions that are generated by the compiler. Everything and the kitchen sink gets generated here.

struct ScopedFunctorDefer
    ScopedFunctorDefer(const std::function<void()>& f)
        : f(f)

    ~ScopedFunctorDefer() { f(); }

    std::function<void()> f;

#define FUNCTOR_DEFER(x) \
    const auto STR_CONCAT(tmpDeferVarName, __LINE__) = ScopedFunctorDefer([&]() { x; })

void functorDefer()

        .string "Second"
        .string "First"
std::_Function_handler<void (), functorDefer()::{lambda()#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&):
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        jmp     puts

        push    rbx
        pxor    xmm0, xmm0
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2
        sub     rsp, 32
        movaps  XMMWORD PTR [rsp], xmm0
        movq    xmm0, QWORD PTR .LC3[rip]
        movhps  xmm0, QWORD PTR .LC4[rip]
        movaps  XMMWORD PTR [rsp+16], xmm0
        call    puts
        cmp     QWORD PTR [rsp+16], 0
        je      .L19
        mov     rdi, rsp
        call    [QWORD PTR [rsp+24]]
        mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rsp+16]
        test    rax, rax
        je      .L13
        mov     edx, 3
        mov     rsi, rsp
        mov     rdi, rsp
        call    rax
        add     rsp, 32
        pop     rbx
functorDefer() [clone .cold]:
typeinfo for functorDefer()::{lambda()#1}:
        .quad   vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info+16
        .quad   typeinfo name for functorDefer()::{lambda()#1}
typeinfo name for functorDefer()::{lambda()#1}:
        .string "*Z12functorDefervEUlvE_"
        .quad   std::_Function_handler<void (), functorDefer()::{lambda()#1}>::_M_manager(std::_Any_data&, std::_Any_data const&, std::_Manager_operation)
        .quad   std::_Function_handler<void (), functorDefer()::{lambda()#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&)

Remember, the data types of std::function and lambdas are not the same. You can see it for yourself enabling RTTI and printing out the typeids. Not even that is necessary with the use of C++ Insights to check the C++ code generation instead (link to full sample):

struct ScopedDefer<__lambda_34_5>
  inline ScopedDefer(__lambda_34_5 f)
  : f{__lambda_34_5(f)}

  inline ~ScopedDefer() noexcept

  __lambda_34_5 f;
  // inline ScopedDefer<__lambda_34_5> & operator=(const ScopedDefer<__lambda_34_5> &) /* noexcept */ = delete;

struct ScopedFunctorDefer
  inline ScopedFunctorDefer(const std::function<void ()> & f)
  : f{std::function<void ()>(f)}

  inline ~ScopedFunctorDefer() noexcept

  std::function<void ()> f;

// The std::function version now has to convert the lambda
const ScopedFunctorDefer tmpDeferVarName56 = ScopedFunctorDefer(ScopedFunctorDefer(std::function<void ()>(__lambda_56_5{x})));

Phew, that’s all for now, I didn’t know in advance that I’m going to do a deep dive like this. If there’s one thing that you should get out of this, is that don’t apply std::function blindly everywhere. And implementing defer in C using __attribute(cleanup)__ will be left as homework to you.